Thursday, April 23, 2009


Tonight I am going to the movies & having Stephanie, my friend's 17 yr old daughter, babysit tonight. When I told Jacob she was coming over to babysit, he took a bath, washed his hair & put on a "nice" outfit. Hee. Hee. They grow up so fast.

Todd's Birthday

Today is Todd's Birthday & I believe he had a good one. Here are a couple excerpts from e-mails he sent me today.

YES!!! I got MAIL!!!!!! Yeah!!!!! I got 6 packages today!!!! On my Birthday none the less...what do you think about that? I got one from your Mother, one from Pam, one from you, one from Thompsons Cigars, and two boxes of cookies from the Church (6 Boxes in all) W@W!!!!!!!!!! Whata nice surprise. Thank you for the Cigars Loey. They are very nice...Ismoked one this evening...very nice, Thank you.

Okay. I'm back...the Marines threw me a little Birthday party...they sang me Happy birthday, put some chem. Lights in some chocolate cream cake (WOW I don't know where they got it but they did) They also attacked me and gave me a good flogging!!!! It took most of the Platoon to get control of me. There are photos...I will forward as soon as I get them.

Just a picture of me after the Marines surprised me...what a surprise huh? Funny. Who would of thought...They havent done this for anyone else's Birthday, and there has been several...Pats, Russ's, a couple other devil dogs...etc...whatever. It made me smile as you can see. Silly huh? Well, I Love you Laura. It is time for me to go nite nite now. Thank you for the wonderful Birthday goodies Loey. I Love and miss you so very much. Have a good day and I will write to you again inthe morning. Love always, Todd

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Just wanted to add some pictures of Lizzie. It seems like a lot has been happening with Jacob, so I thought I'd even it out a bit. Hee. Hee.

Lizzie & her cat, Julius.
Lizzie & Todd selling Girl Scout Cookies around the neighborhood.
Lizzie loved the Petting Zoo at the Base Easter Egg Hunt. Her friend, Gabby, also enjoyed it.


This Easter I took the kids to an Egg Hunt on Base. Jacob found 1 out of the 6 GOLDEN EGGS! He won a $25 Visa Cash Card. He's a very lucky little guy, just like his Mommy. :)This was the first year that it was just the little ones that decorated Easter Eggs. They did quite a good job, but I did miss the artistic detailings of Amanda & Ashley.

Easter Morning. Bright & early..... too early.

Lizzie excited about finding Easter Eggs.

Lizzie & Jacob dressed in their Easter Best!

The Hair Cut.

Need I say anything?

Camping Trip

The weekend right before Todd left, he wanted to go camping really bad. So we headed up to Joshua Tree, but all the campsites were full. So, we made the best of it & camped in our house! It was fun ~ Todd moved all the furniture, put up the camp chairs, "made" a fire pit, brought the ice chest full of "beverages" inside & blew up the air matresses. It was a rough night though, our female cat was in heat & there were male suitors surrounding our house. So, we even had the "wildlife".

Kobe Steak House

One of our favorite places to eat in Palm Springs is Kobe Steak House. With the Chef cooking right in front of you, it keeps the kids occupied.
The Chef stacked up an onion & poured some vodka in it, so it would flame. BEHOLD VOLCANO!
The Chef also throws shrimp at you, in hopes that you catch it in your mouth. Todd had no problem!