Thursday, April 23, 2009

Todd's Birthday

Today is Todd's Birthday & I believe he had a good one. Here are a couple excerpts from e-mails he sent me today.

YES!!! I got MAIL!!!!!! Yeah!!!!! I got 6 packages today!!!! On my Birthday none the less...what do you think about that? I got one from your Mother, one from Pam, one from you, one from Thompsons Cigars, and two boxes of cookies from the Church (6 Boxes in all) W@W!!!!!!!!!! Whata nice surprise. Thank you for the Cigars Loey. They are very nice...Ismoked one this evening...very nice, Thank you.

Okay. I'm back...the Marines threw me a little Birthday party...they sang me Happy birthday, put some chem. Lights in some chocolate cream cake (WOW I don't know where they got it but they did) They also attacked me and gave me a good flogging!!!! It took most of the Platoon to get control of me. There are photos...I will forward as soon as I get them.

Just a picture of me after the Marines surprised me...what a surprise huh? Funny. Who would of thought...They havent done this for anyone else's Birthday, and there has been several...Pats, Russ's, a couple other devil dogs...etc...whatever. It made me smile as you can see. Silly huh? Well, I Love you Laura. It is time for me to go nite nite now. Thank you for the wonderful Birthday goodies Loey. I Love and miss you so very much. Have a good day and I will write to you again inthe morning. Love always, Todd

1 comment:

  1. Oh...almost brought tears to my eyes (and you know thats not an easy thing) HEHE. SO happy he had a great birthday and WAS appreciative of all you and your family did!
